Quote of the day:

Jandro was thirsty so he said:

"My throat is perched. "

The Meaty Lasagna
We know sports, we know food, we know life.
Guess Who?
Hint # 1 : I went to Notre Dame.
Hint # 2 : I was undrafted out of college.  I play for a team currently in season.

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Guess Who? Leaderboard
Name Points
Heffrey 6
Wizzer 6
jen305 6
Kray 5
RowdyReptile 4
1994greenfordtaurus 2
Bdub 2
monkeybuttlover 2
Salinas -5
Bizzo -8
Fun Stuff
Guess Who?  Hint # 1

Hint # 1:  I was born in the same month as Cal Ripken Jr.  He was born 18 years before me though.

E-mail answers to: funstuff@themeatylasagna.com

Subject: "Athlete Guess"
Include a code name!

BP, 12.9.08
The Guess Who? Rules

Here's the deal- the object of this game is to figure out who the athlete is before we tell you who it is. We will have a picture of the athlete plus one hint each day about who the athlete is. Each hint will lead to the identity of the athlete.  The picture will be blurred for Hint # 1 and a little less blurred for each subsequent hint.  If you guess who the athlete is using only Hint # 1 you get three points, if you guess who it is using Hint # 2, you get two points, Hint # 3, one point.   If you still can't guess who it is after we tell you who it is, then you have other problems and should not be allowed to procreate.  E-mail your guesses (subject: Athlete Guess) to funstuff@themeatylasagna.com and we will post the leaderboard as soon as we get correct answers.  Incorrect answers are worth negative one point.  Make sure you include a code name for yourself or we will not post your score.

BP, 12.9.08
Leopard Eats Woman and Woman Wins!

A leopard ate a woman whole and rescuers got there just in time to chop off the leopards head.  I can't believe she survived!

BP, 12.9.08
Misleading Commercial
Please watch this commercial for Levi's jeans...

...and then watch the MythBusters clip below.
Something tells me that the Levi's commercial is fake.  Anyone agree?
BP, 12.7.08
Big Eisy = Jeff Garlin
I rest my case.
Jandro, 12.4.08
Reader's Choice: Caption
Congratulations to Allen from Miami.  He was the winner of the caption contest and won the grand prize of $50!

"Officially the worst start to a blind date...ever."
-Allen, Miami, FL

BP, 11.21.08
Boston Market Encounter
I posted this on YouTube a couple of months ago after this happened to me at the drive-through of a Boston Market. The bird had actually been flying around the ledges above my car and it tried to grab hold of a ledge on the building that was too small and it kept flapping its wings to balance and re-balance itself. Eventually it lost all of its energy and fell right onto my windshield.
BP, 11.12.08
Best Commercial on TV
BP, 11.11.08